Louise Suggs was one of the founders of the LPGA. She also broke this truth to us. “Golf is very much like a love affair. If you don’t take it seriously, it’s no fun. If you do, it breaks your heart. Don’t break your heart, but flirt with the possibility.”

If you don’t care how you play, where’s the fun in that? And if you do take it seriously, it will break your heart… into a million pieces. But if you only play every now and then, you’re just flirting with the game. You’re a “player” but not really a “player.”

Anything you care about will require your complete attention. That starts at home with our faith and families. And before golf in the old list of priorities has to be whatever we do to earn our golf money. How serious are you about whatever it is that you do? To be great, you’ve got to give it your full attention – at least while you’re at work. When you’re on the clock, give it 100% of everything you’ve got. But when you get home, give your spouse and kids 100%. Forget work. Don’t check emails. And when you finally get to bang 9 or 18 out, play hard!  

This is just your friendly reminder to be all in wherever you are and be the best spouse, dad, employer, employee, golfer… the best you that you can be.

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